Monday, November 17, 2008

Busy Busy Busy

I wanted to post so everyone would know we are still here. Isn't it crazy how caught up in life we can get ? But who am I to fuss ? Look at Aunt Carol and Joe...packing up and moving away, Eileen with 3 kids, Hel with 2 little ones, Ryan with 2 jobs, Nance with her big family and teaching Seminary, the list is endless BUT I still seem to run out of time to sit here and post. I have been working at one of our DC's in Fla the past 2 weeks so feel very out of touch with everyone. I must admit it was kind of nice to go off sort of like a working vacation, I worked the evening shift, which means from 4:00 pm to when we were done which might be 1200a or as in a few mornings until 6:30 am, it wasn't as hard as I thought to stay awake all night the problem came with sleeping during the day. I usually managed a few hrs and then up and exploring Lake City, and to anyone who knows that area I was done in an hr or so !!! No really they had a great little downtown area with little shops and a couple quaint cafe's and of course I found several second hand stores. Although much to my disappointment their mall was just like ours--sucky but I still found some Christmas gifts. Rich and I are almost done with our shopping for the season. We are waiting breathlessly to see whose name we get from the annual "name drawing exchange " with the CMAN clan. Papa Rich is so funny about that, he thinks very hard and trys to get a great gift for whosever name he has and I bet if we asked any of the little ones they would agree he has done GREAT, makes me hope he draws my name this year. I don't have any new pictures to post now, but will be putting up the Halloween ones soon.
Last but certainly not least I will be posting some of the Wall, Kudos to Aunt Susie for an awesome job.