Friday, July 17, 2009

4 , might as well say 3 days and counting

Well as you all know it is time for Helen to give us another GRANDchild. I keep calling and reminding her that she will be giving birth in a few short days, don't want her to forget or anything now do we ? We will be sharing the duties of keeping Nathan and Sam occupied while they are in the hospital. I think Papa is a bit nervous about that and I must say we are getting a bit older and don't have quite as much energy as we once did. It will be interesting trying to get the kids out the door and off to Nances and not be late to work at the same time. I wonder how I ever raised 2 boys ? I guess I made it from all the fabulous help I had from the bestest Mother & Father in law in the world. Hmmmm maybe that's what Papa and I are now ? Anyway keep us all in your prayers and please don't ignore your caller id if you see my name pop up next week I may be calling for some much needed help.