Tuesday, July 22, 2008

You've been Nathanized

Two weeks and we haven't made time to blog...and there is so much to talk about.
For one thing, Nathan struck again. Let me set the scene for you...
I had just arrived home from work, about 5:20 PM and was in the bedroom changing my clothes.
Nathan was visiting and began to knock on the bedroom door, apparently to help Punkin get my attention. Punkin was also thumping on the door, which was closed to give me a bit of privacy.
When I asked who it was, the answer came back....MEOW....then, your grabson...then...Nathan Olin Bicars (I think someone was prompting Nathan)....Punkin meowed on his own though.
I opened the door and everyone flowed into the room....4 cats, 1 grabson, and my beloved spouse.
Everyone plopped on the bed just as the phone rang...and simultaneously..the front door opened. I figured it was Ryan at the door coming for Nathan, and I assumed he was also on the phone to "call" Nathan. I decided to just give Nathan the phone since Ryan was on the other end. Nathan quickly began to relate the day's events to the caller.
Ryan walked into the bedroom, but wasn't on the phone.
At this time, Nathan had been talking for close to a minute, and now we were curious to find out who was on the line.
Vickie took the phone and found out that it was another telemarketer, who was apparently obligated not to hang up. Seems like some kind of justice was served without forethought or intended malice by making them listen to the babbling of a two year old (no matter how smart he is!). Thank you Nathan for saving us form those evil telemarketers.


Nancy Seaman said...

I love it! Grabkid, that is new and is so cute. How is the job going?

Rich and Vic said...

IThe job is going great. Of course, it's a long day, but no longer than what I did when I worked at Moody. I must admit, the job was much simpler there, but I like all of the challenges of learning this job (though it's very intimidating at times).