Sunday, January 11, 2009

Time to post something

As you can see from the title not much happening in the Cox household thought we'd better post something since it has been awhile. We haven't taken Jen up on her "one word" challenge, not sure why guess I can't come up with just ONE . I am now part of the Primary Pres, being second counselor to Sister Dorsett and Sister Tucker (aunt susie) I used to wonder why I had never been called to Primary but now having been in there going on 2 yrs .... I enjoy it don't get me wrong but sometimes I feel so inadequate, I am not sure why they are kids for goodness sakes. I suppose it is like this in all callings at times we don't feel like we measure up. I certainly am learning alot though, not that I haven't in all the other callings I have had but with this one I have to be on my toes, it's not easy getting corrected by a 4 year old :) which by the way happened today..thanks Kalan. No really I am loving the calling and dearly love working with all our leadership and teachers, they are great and I am thankful each and every young child or youth in our primary. I think I have turned this post into a Fast and Testimony meeting--sorry.
Lets see what else is happening in Brookfield, Rich has been putting around in his shop, I haven't dared venture out there in awhile , it scares me when I think he might be turning on power tools and such but I am learning to let him go and do and learn, that is not one of his strong suites and I tease him about it but he knows it is done in love. I shall stop rambling now the kids should be down for a visit soon. I need to go secure the rest of the house from Sam.


Carol said...

Waa hoo!!!! A new blog for you guys. I'm so glad. What's the status of Rich's possible new job? Isn't it great working with Sheri? And Susie Woozie too? I'm trying to lie low here and not get tapped for a new calling yet. I know I do NOT want Primary or Young Women's. From my lips to God's ears, huh?

Rich and Vic said...

lol, you know now you get will get ONE of those callings